Does Collagen Helps Reduce Cellulite?

Does Collagen Helps Reduce Cellulite?

Press Releases


Cellulite is a common condition that affects mostly women, causing dimples and bumps to form on the skin, particularly on the thighs, buttocks and hips. Do you know the causes and how to fight it? It is characterized by excess subcutaneous fat - just below the skin - and changes in the collagen fibers. Therefore, the higher the percentage of fat in the body and the greater the sagging of the skin, the more apparent the cellulite. These conditions lead to the appearance of nodules, impairing circulation, retaining fluids and causing the characteristic ripples to appear on the surface of the skin. In addition to affecting women's self-esteem and confidence, depending on the degree of cellulite, it can cause pain and discomfort in the affected regions. ‍ Cellulite has a multifactorial cause. Risk factors for the appearance of cellulite can include: - Gender (it is more common in women than in men). - Age (cellulite tends to become more evident with age). - Genetics (the predisposition to cellulite can be inherited). - Lifestyle (a sedentary lifestyle and a nutrient-poor diet). - Use of medication (eg hormonal contraceptives). ‍ Because the cause is multifactorial, cellulite treatment must also cover several aspects. Collagen is a vital protein found throughout the human body, especially in the skin where it is responsible for support and firmness. Collagen supplementation, such as Genu-in Life, is an interesting strategy that can help improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of dimples caused by cellulite. However, it is essential that other measures are taken to improve and combat cellulite, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise. ‍

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